July 3, 2024

Examples of Letters of Recommendation for Public Policy Graduate Programs


  • Introduce yourself and your relationship to the applicant.
  • State your position/title and the name of your organization/institution.
  • Mention the purpose of the letter (to recommend the applicant for admission to a Public Policy graduate program).

I am writing to highly recommend [Applicant’s Name] for admission into your esteemed Public Policy graduate program. I have had the pleasure of working closely with [Applicant’s Name] for the past [number of years or months] in their capacity as a [position] at [your organization/institution]. Based on their exceptional academic performance, dedication, and passion for public policy, I am confident that [Applicant’s Name] will excel in your program.

Academic Excellence

  • Highlight the applicant’s exceptional academic performance and dedication to their studies.
  • Mention any relevant awards, honors, or coursework that showcase their academic excellence.
  • Emphasize the applicant’s strong analytical skills, critical thinking abilities, and understanding of complex policy issues.

Throughout [Applicant’s Name]’s tenure at [your organization/institution], they have consistently demonstrated exemplary analytical skills, critical thinking abilities, and a deep understanding of complex policy issues. Their exceptional academic record, including their [mention any relevant awards, honors, or coursework], is a testament to their strong intellectual capabilities and commitment to excellence. [Applicant’s Name] has consistently performed at the top of their class and has showcased a remarkable ability to synthesize information and develop innovative policy solutions.

Research and Extracurricular Involvement

  • Discuss the applicant’s involvement in research projects or extracurricular activities related to public service or social impact.
  • Provide a specific example or initiative where the applicant made a significant impact or demonstrated leadership skills.
  • Highlight their ability to collaborate effectively with diverse stakeholders.

Beyond their academic achievements, [Applicant’s Name] has actively engaged in various research projects and extracurricular activities that highlight their strong commitment to public service and social impact. For example, [describe a specific project or initiative where the applicant made a significant impact or demonstrated leadership skills]. This experience not only underscores their dedication to addressing critical societal challenges but also demonstrates their ability to collaborate effectively with diverse stakeholders.

Strong Communication Skills

  • Focus on the applicant’s exceptional communication skills, both written and verbal.
  • Highlight their ability to convey complex policy concepts in a clear and concise manner.
  • Mention how their communication skills will contribute to enriching classroom discussions and fostering a vibrant intellectual environment.

[Applicant’s Name]’s communication skills are exceptional. They possess the rare ability to articulate complex policy concepts in a clear and concise manner, making them highly effective in conveying their ideas to both technical and non-technical audiences. Their strong written and verbal communication skills, combined with their natural ability to connect with others, will undoubtedly enhance the classroom discussions and contribute to a vibrant intellectual environment within your program.

Work Ethic and Resilience

  • Discuss the applicant’s work ethic, tenacity, and ability to thrive under pressure.
  • Provide specific examples or anecdotes that demonstrate their dedication, problem-solving abilities, or resilience.
  • Highlight their commitment to producing high-quality work.

Furthermore, [Applicant’s Name]’s remarkable work ethic, tenacity, and ability to thrive under pressure have consistently impressed me. They have consistently gone above and beyond in their responsibilities and have shown an unwavering commitment to producing high-quality work. [Provide specific examples or anecdotes that highlight their dedication, problem-solving abilities, or resilience.]

Outstanding Qualifications and Potential

  • Summarize the applicant’s outstanding qualifications and personal qualities.
  • Express your confidence in their ability to contribute to the academic community and emerge as a future leader in public policy.
  • Reinforce their passion for the field and desire to make a positive impact.

Based on [Applicant’s Name]’s outstanding qualifications and personal qualities, I have no doubt that they will be an invaluable asset to your program. They have a genuine passion for public policy and a strong desire to make a positive impact in the field. I wholeheartedly believe that [Applicant’s Name] will not only contribute to the academic community but will also emerge as a future leader and influencer in shaping public policy discourse.

Full Endorsement and Contact Information

  • Offer your full endorsement and enthusiastic recommendation for the applicant’s admission to the Public Policy graduate program.
  • Provide your contact information for further inquiries or clarification.
  • Thank the admission committee for considering the applicant’s application.

In conclusion, I enthusiastically recommend [Applicant’s Name] for admission into your Public Policy graduate program. If you require any further information or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at [your contact information]. Thank you for considering [Applicant’s Name] for this opportunity, and I am confident that they will thrive in your program.

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